Dialog Teologic IX/17 (2006)

Dialog Teologic IX/17 (2006)
Moștenirea Conciliului al II-lea din Vatican. II. Cuvântul și lumea, 292 p., 17×24, 9 RON.

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Constituţia dogmatică despre Revelaţia divină Dei Verbum
The raised problems by the Holy Bible’s study and the evolution of the exegesis during the period between the Tridentin Council and the second half of the 20th century stand at the based of the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum, which is one of the most important documents of the Second Vatican Council. This document offered new perspectives in which the understanding of the Biblical text concerns and reinitiated the Catholic exegesis. This article offers an objective evaluation and a criticism of the actual situation about the lecture and the interpretation of the problems and of the major challenges to which the biblical formation has to respond.

Dei Verbum, în dialog cu pr. Ignace DE LA POTTERIE
The present dialogue underlines the importance of God’s Word in the Church’s life. The liturgical life, the theological declamation, the faith and the charity deeds base on it. For the Christian tradition, the Holy Bible contents the truth which God wanted to communicate, the truth for our salvation. Father Ignace shows that in the entirely of the Second Vatican Council documents this Constitution has a special place. It is the synthesis of the discussions about Revelation, about Tradition and about the Holy Bible and it answers to the natural questions regarding the God’s Word, the relation between Tradition and Holy Bible and the notion of inspiration. The interview concentrates on the major problems debated in this dogmatic Constitution and impels to a more profound acceptance of the horizons that it reveals.

Ştefan LUPU
Decretul despre apostolatul laicilor Apostolicam
Until the Second Vatican Council the lay Christian people had a rather passive role in the Church. The Council Fathers underlined the richness of the values that are to be found in the conscience of the lay Christian people, also the help that they can offer to the Church especially in the education, charity and missionary domain, a help that is irreplaceable. The Council proposed it self to make the lay Christian people aware about the fact that day are living limbs of the mystical body and that they must contribute lively to the Church’s life. This article presents the Decree about the lay people apostolate from the point of view of its implications in the structures of the other Council documents regarding the Church’s members.

Apostolicam actuositatem, în dialog cu d-l Guzmán CARRIQUIRY
Decretul Apostolicam actuositatem răspunde la o necesitate esenţială în Biserică, şi anume aceea de a preciza rolul şi locul pe care laicii îl ocupă în Biserică. Ei nu sunt nişte elemente statistice, lipsite de personalitate, ci sunt membre vii ale trupului mistic al lui Cristos care este Biserica. Printr-o colaborare activă şi constantă cu ierarhia şi clerul, ei pot să realizeze opere frumoase de apostolat. Interviul scoate în evidenţă acest deziderat al decretului şi oferă o interpretare obiectivă a realităţii concrete în care trăiesc creştinii laici şi în care pot să răspândească evanghelia, mai ales, prin exemplul personal.

Ştefan LUPU
Declaraţia privind libertatea religioasă Dignitatis humanae
Until the Second Vatican Council the lay Christian people had a rather passive role in the Church. The Council Fathers underlined the richness of the values that are to be found in the conscience of the lay Christian people, also the help that they can offer to the Church especially in the education, charity and missionary domain, a help that is irreplaceable. The Council proposed it self to make the lay Christian people aware about the fact that day are living limbs of the mystical body and that they must contribute lively to the Church’s life. This article presents the Decree about the lay people apostolate from the point of view of its implications in the structures of the other Council documents regarding the Church’s members.

Dignitatis humanae, în dialog cu P.S. Clemente RIVA
One of the fundamental aspects for mankind is the religious experience. The religious dimension is not something added to the man but it is an inherent gift. This is why it must never be constrained by the social-cultural factors. The dialogue shows that the Council Fathers, being aware of the religious freedom’s defection problems, voted the Declaration about religious freedom Dignitatis humanae, which is a major contribution to a greater cohabitation of men, not only as a response to the signs of our time, but also as an explaining of the Evangels principles. The Declaration Dignitatis humanae responds to the contemporary challenges: religious freedom, tolerance, the Church-State report, practical atheism, Evangels and the modern man.

Ştefan LUPU
Decretul privind activitatea misionară a Bisericii Ad gentes
The missionary activity has been a base characteristic of the Church and has remained the main way to spread the Evangels. The Decree about the Church’s missionary activity Ad Gentes has opened a new road for the missionary reflection and activity, been the fruit of many discussions and writings. This article presents the structure of the document and its insertion in the Church’s life.

Ad gentes, în dialog cu pr. Jesus LOPEZ GAY
Even from the time of foundation the Church has been sent by Christ to proclaim to the World the Gospel. Being aware of this mission of the Church and of the new problems with which the missionaries confronted, the participants to the Council have elaborated the Decree about the Church’s missionary activity Ad Gentes. This dialogue presents the steps in elaborating this document, the content and its structure, but also the novelty that this decree brings into the mission domain. The missionary dimension of Church, considered as an essential component of the Church, is now explained in the light of the Trinity relation.

Constituţia pastorală privind Biserica în lumea contemporană Gaudium et spes
One of the main goals of the Second Vatican Council was to show who is the Church and what is the message it wants to deliver to the today’s humanity. The crisis of the contemporary values, the technological and informational explosion, the changing of the moral values system have been some aspects that the Council Fathers had in mind when they elaborated the pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes. The elaboration of this essential document has been followed by many criticisms regarding especially by the means of the dialogue with the world and by the Church’s receiving from the society’s behalf. This article develops a three-way presentation: the process of making the Constitution, the analysis of the document and of the echoes it generated and the new interpretations regarding the changing of some social and moral values.

Gaudium et spes, în dialog cu Mons. Lorenzo CHIARINELLI
Gaudium et spes has been a much waited document that generated some fierce controversy. For the elaboration of this document a group of Council Fathers, that rehashed the famous 13th Scheme, have worked intensively. Among these ones has been the Archbishop of Krakow, Karol Woityla. This interview presents the Council’s intention regarding this document, also how the document’s elaboration process took place and how can it be read today taking into account the signs of the present time, after 40 years from its promulgation.

Decretul privind mijloacele de comunicare socială Inter mirifica
The communication is a specific activity of man and it is indispensable to the civilized structures. To communicate means to inform, to spread an informative content that contributes to the development of the other. The Church realized the power of mass-media, the services that these ones can bring for the Evangels spreading. The Second Vatican Council promulgated the Decree Inter mirifica through which points out the live nature of Church’s reality and the necessity to communicate it to the public opinion. The present article analyzes the historical context in which the document was published, its long term applicability and the enormous possibilities that the correct utilization of the mass-media offers.

Inter mirifica, în dialog cu pr. Mariano FAZIO
The Church has been always preoccupied by the communicative phenomenon. The changes made by the mass-media in the 20th century have determined the Council Fathers to elaborate the Decree about the mass-media Inter mirifica. In this interview there are underlined the problems that lead to the elaboration of this document, the way in which it is structured in the new concept of the Church regarding the mass-media. The technological development that took place in the social communication area is considered by the Church as a manifestation of the man’s participation to the creative power of God. The importance of this document is demonstrated by the way in which it was applied by Pope Paul the VI and by its successor Pope John Paul the II.

Decretul privind reînnoirea vieţii călugăreşti Perfectae caritatis
The history of the Church has known a special spiritual flowering after the apparition of the consecrated life institutes. These ones have their own charisma and contribute to the spread of the Gospel by living the evangelic precepts in the world. The Council Fathers wanted to renew the monastic life in the spirit of closer listening towards the whispers of the Holy Ghost and towards the nowadays requirements of the society. This article points out the pastoral character and the fundamental norms of the consecrated life renewal.

Perfectae caritatis, în dialog cu pr. Arnaldo PIGNA
The interview treats about the necessity of the spiritual life renewal and about the tentative made by the Church in the favor of this renewal. Pigna underlines the fact that the Church has responded to the problems of man of every century. Through the Perfectae caritatis Decree the Church calls out to a spiritual renewal both the clergy and the believers regarding a unity and harmony based on charity. The Council offers precise indications to be putted into action: the fight against formality, the follow of Christ, the return to Gospel. After the Council, the popes along with the bishops have re-attested this necessity, advising to a life style based on charity activity.

Declaraţia privind educaţia religioasă Gravissimum educationis
During its existence the Church took the initiative of numerous charity, cultural and civilization works that contributed to the human kind progress. In this way she fulfilled the mission of spiritual Mother of humanity. The declaration Gravissimum educationis sets the basis of real new and opened attitude of the Church in front of the education problems in the modern world. This attitude and also the consequences that evolved from this analysis make the object the present article.

Gravissimum educationis, în dialog cu P.S. José SARAIVA MARTINS
Catholic education has known an impressive development along the history. It has always been in the focus of the Church, mainly during the Second Vatican Council when it was discussed the necessity of reforming the spirit of education departing from the Gospel based Tradition. The interview points out these discussions and shows primarily the communitarian concept of the educational process in which the teacher-student empathy is essential for the formation both of the one that is educated and of the one that is educating.

Ariel Álvares VALDÉS
De ce evanghelistul Ioan nu descrie exorcismele lui Isus?
The author of this article shows that exorcisms have always been shrouded in mystery, in which fantasy and curiosity have led to all sorts of fictions, mostly far away from the truth. But exorcisms are not parades, shows or sensations. They are a reality that must lead us to reflection to an objective regard about the forces of Evil. The synoptic Evangels presents six cases of exorcises but the Gospel of saint John keeps absolute quiet. John did not wish to make public the exorcisms of Jesus because these ones made him a lot of trouble. Jesus was seen mostly as healer, as a magician because during his time many Jews were practicing Egyptian magical exorcising rituals. In the end the article underlines the facts that saint John didn’t want to present exorcisms of Jesus in the Evangels he wrote, because he didn’t want Jesus to appear as magician but as a teacher and redeemer of the world.

Fondamenti religiosi e laici della democrazia
Analyzing the phenomenon of democracy, Vittorio Possenti exposes the religious and laical fundaments of democracy. A true democracy that wishes to open the borders of a civilized world must maintain the feeling of affiliation to the humanity. The author thinks that democracy must stay away from the temptation of fundamentalism, that must promote the person and not the forms of selfishness. The democracy needs religion if it wants an undiluted man (one can not deny to a man the religious dimension). The rights of man should be the main program of a democracy. The author underlines some of the democracy principles: treating the person as a purpose and not as a mean (the man is in the world but it not belongs to the world), forming a nation in which there are to be respected both natural low and positive low, responsible freedom, an ethics that encourages the common good, the participation to the public life. The article pleads for an equilibrated democracy that has in its center the person.

Misiunea în America Latină
South America is one of the poorest continents on the globe. Having a population of 500 million inhabitants this area confronts with severe social problems such as drugs dealing, dictators, civil wars, guerilla fights, nutrition diseases, etc. In this article it is showed, that in spite of some contradictory aspects, the Catholic Church is very well represented because most of the population is Catholic. The reality of the South America is very tough but the Church has in this area a very efficacious missionary activity and the calls to the apostolate life are numerous. This continent that is very much alive and diversified in its mentality, culture or adaptation to the requirements of the contemporary life represents an interest and hope ambit for the Church.

Misiunea Bisericii în lumea contemporană
The Church is a complex reality that always tried to come in the reception of society’s needs. Living in a new era of human history the Church cannot remain disinterested in front of the impulses that receive from the society. Without disowning its identity and Tradition, it proposed to the world, through the works of the Second Vatican Council a new image of the homo Ecclesiae. The article points out the problems of the nowadays world and the actual relation between it and the Church, both during the Council but also in the period after.

„L’amore carattere proprio del cristiano”: le origini della spiritualità identitaria di s. Basilio
Monastic fraternities appeared as a consequence of the fact of being aware of the fundamental role that the Gospel must play in the life of every Christian. The author of this article shows that love must be the characteristics of truly Christian life, and among those that understood this there are two initiators of community life: saint Basil the Great and saint Benedict of whose rules represented a richness for the spiritual life of Church. The present article underlines that love is the peculiar characteristic of Christians and that saint Basil the Great fundaments this teaching on the Holy Bible, especially on the writings of the apostle Paul.


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