Cristinel Fodor: Sacramentalizare versus evanghelizare: cum sunt trăite sacramentele, în special Botezul, Euharistia, Spovada, Căsătoria, în comunităţile din dieceza noastră

The theme that treats the author would like to contribute to those things which the Church invites repeatedly: to renew our liturgical celebrations, preparing for graces received in the sacraments and developing them for the sacrament, the faithful enter into communion with the Holy Trinity, to experience participation in the divine nature and, thus, they should be built by the Church as a sign and realization of God’s presence in the world. After a theoretical presentation of their authors proceed to analyze their practice, that is to analyze how the preparations for receiving the sacraments become fruitful. The author deals with how we look at those who ask for the sacraments, how long preparations and the creation of a model of training as prescribed by the Church, about some rules to be followed in the first meeting, how to address unbelievers during the administration of the sacraments, ending with mystagogy of the first meeting. Then, one by one analyzed in the light of these premises, preparing to receive the sacraments and how they are administered.

DT282_Cristinel Fodor

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