Florin Ursa, Lucian Dîncă: Conduct lacking ethical integrity. Discrimination and harassment of teachers by students in universities. Bullying and cyberbullying
The rules governing behaviour based on the values of good, moral-immoral, honest, sincerity, accountability, fairness, characterized by a high degree of interiorization, imposed by both his own conscience and the pressure of the attitude of others within the group of students , is moral. The code of ethics as well as the moral conduct concept signifies the ethics of the profession and establishes the right behaviour of the collective. Bullying in the workplace is a pattern of abusive behaviour, causing both physical and mental harm if it has a repetitive and persistent nature. The cyber bullying of the teachers by the students is still at the start, the latter can challenge the teacher authority by using digital media and therefore an anti-cyber map needs to be adopted. Universities must continue to develop an ethical environment and ethical practices at the institutional level to claim an ethical behaviour at the individual level, as well as the need to promote a culture of academic integrity in universities.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/IHIT1591