Gheorghe POPA: Arhitectura eclezială ortodoxă. Câteva semnificaţii simbolice şi puterea lor de edificare morală
The goal of this study is the interpretation of orthodox ecclesial architecture from its perspective of symbolic significations and their power in Christian’s moral edification. In order to demonstrate that the church is the house of God, the author presents some Church prefigurations from the Old Testament. Thus, first of all, he shows that the church is a organized and devoted space where God meets man. The community which gathers at the Holly Mass around the Chalice is the Church herself, and the presence of Christ in this community is suggested by the architecture and the paintings inside the church. In this way the author underlines the connection which exists between the faithful community and the Church. Communion with Christ in Holly Spirit, integrally lived in Church, slowly and peacefully transforms the human being. The new man is not convinced by faith, but impenetrated by it. This new person is connected with the others by faith, by deeds and by love, and it is capable to contemplate God in all creation like in a mirror.