Iulian Faraoanu: Valori della perfezione e della vita comunitaria nel Discorso della Montagna (Mt 5)

This paper focuses to a biblical analysis into the relevance of the fundamental values of Gospel in relation to the community. The Sermon on the Mount in Mt 5 refers to unmatched values. Values are those that refer to God: trust in God, listening to the Word, walking on the paths drawn by God’s Law. But deep spiritual values have applicability in concrete life, where they are cultivated: justice, peace, kindness. By far the supreme value is love with its expressions in concrete existence.
The scope is the field of human community, where relationships play a fundamental role. Biblical man lives from relationships: the relationship with God, the relationship with his fellow men and the relationship with nature. The same applies to Matthew, an evangelist attentive to the sphere of relationships.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/DAIB5065

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