Maximilian Pal: Il mistero dell’incarnazione e redenzione nel pensiero e negli scritti di sant’Anselmo di Canterbury

The mystery of the incarnation of the Word of God and of redemption are analyzed by Saint Anselm in three important works: De Incarnatione Verbi (1094), Cur Deus homo (1098) and Meditatio redemptionis humanae (1099-1100). In this article, after analyzing some aspects of the work De Incarnatione Verbi, our study will focus on Anselm’s work Cur Deus homo, in which we will highlight some controversies that appeared in the 19th century, respectively in the 20th century in order to reach a synthetic perspective structured on several levels. Before concluding the present study, we will make a short presentation of Meditatio redemptionis humanae which confirms that Saint Anselm through intellectus fidei presents us an overall vision of the mystery of redemption in which clear logic and deep prayer converge.


Dialog 52-6 Pal



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