P.S. Aurel PERCĂ: Episcopul – păstor al Bisericii locale şi păstrător al credinţei universale: tradiţie şi reînnoire a unei carisme fundamentale

In this article it is built a portrait of the attributions that a bishop has in the virtue of his ministry as shepherd of Christ’s flock. The bishop receives the sacrament of Priesthood in its plenitude and that is why he is called to exercise his ministry mission with a greater abnegation. The bishop has to be for his diocese a centre of communion, a criterion for brotherhood: the image of Jesus the Good Shepherd must be reflected in him. This is why, along with the people entrusted to him, he must continue the calling of Christ to be the salt of the land and the light of the world.

DT1611_Episcopul – păstor al Bisericii locale şi păstrător al credinţei universale

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