Ştefan Lupu: „La cattolicità aperta”, quale apertura dogmatica e spirituale delle Chiese cristiane, nella visione del teologo ortodosso Dumitru Staniloae

In this study, I intend to present, firstly, the ecumenical vision of the Romanian Orthodox theologian Dumitru Stăniloae about the open catholicity [sobornicity] as a dogmatic and spiritual openness of the Christian Churches that aims to find their unity and, secondly, about Eucharistic intercommunion. At the base of this open catholicity there is the fact that in Holy Scripture we notice a diversity of traditions and connotations, diversity that comes from the diversity of God’s actions in the history of salvation. Having the intention to overcome the dogmatic differences that separate the Churches and to reach full Eucharistic communion, many people have fallen into an easy enthusiasm, thinking that the differences can be overcome with the warmth of love, or in a diplomatic spirit, achieving a compromise between divergent positions. The result of these two trends, which are based on a different ecclesiological conception, is known by the term eucharistic intercommunion. According to Stăniloae, intercommunion is not full eucharistic communion and, therefore, the groups that intend to be in intercommunion cannot be in total communion, as, instead, Eucharistic communion is conceived.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/XCAS4922

Dialog 52-9 Lupu



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