Ştefan Lupu: L’unità e la cattolicità sinodale della Chiesa Universale nella visione di Dumitru Staniloae

The relationship between the local Church and the universal Church was treated by Staniloae in the light of the traditional ecclesiological vision on the Church unity and synodal catholicity. Referring to the characteristic features of this synodal universality of the Church, Staniloae emphasizes, firstly, the ecclesial integrity of the local Church, an integrity that derives from the integral presence of the Holy Spirit in it, from the profession of apostolic faith and from the communion with the universal Church. The second aspect that characterizes the universality of the Church refers to the unity of all Christian communities in the same apostolic faith, a faith that is constituted not only by doctrine, but also by the sacraments celebrated by the hierarchy. The third aspect concerns the possibility of excommunication of a local Church if it departs from the integrity of the apostolic faith. Finally, the fourth aspect of the universality of the Church affirms the equal dignity of all local Churches.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/CZLN9013

Dialog 48-9 Lupu

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