Wilhelm Dancă: Biserica şi Statul la Mons. Anton Durcovici

Starting from eighteen declarations of Msgr. Anton Durcovici in the prison of the Ministry of Interior Affairs from Bucureşti, pr. prof. Wilhelm Dancă analyses the relation between Church and State as it result from the declarations of the Bishop of Iasi, underlining the problem of secularism. The author’s intention is to discover how Anton Durcovici opposed to the invasion of the State-Party in the life of the Church, analyzing firstly the soviet archetypal of relation between Church and State, archetypal where there is a difference between status de iure (separation between Church and State and School) and status de facto (the pressings on the Catholic and Orthodox Church), and in the second part the implementation of this model to the Romanian area conforming to his declarations from prison; from this declarations results that the great preoccupation of the communist regime in the period 1947-1948 was to eliminate the presence of the Catholic Church from the public life. In conclusion, the author mentions that the motivation received from Msgr. Anton Durcovici in front of secularization and secularism can be characterized through two words: education and charity.

DT265_Pr Wilhelm Dancă

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