Wilhelm DANCĂ: Moştenirea Conciliului al II-lea din Vatican
This and the following number of the review Theological Dialogue are dedicated exclusively to the 40 years anniversary of the conclusion of the 2nd Council of Vatican (11 October-8 December 1965). At this occasion Msgr. Petru Gherghel, bishop of Iaşi, Msgr. Aurel Percă, auxiliary bishop of Iaşi, the professors of the Theological Institute of Iaşi organized a series of conferences, attended by all the priests who work in the Iaşi Diocese. The conferences took place in November 2005. The conferences are accompanied by some interviews of different personalities of Rome, which underline the content and subsequent development of the Magisterial and the manner how were intercepted the documents. The editorial presents historically and critically the „Council” notion, explains the general methodology of the conferences and offers some keys to interpret the reform (aggiornamento), which was desired by the 2nd Council of Vatican.