Dialog Teologic XXI/42 (2018)

Dialog Teologic XXI/42 (2018)
108 p., 17×24, ISSN 1453-8075, 15 lei.

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Cristian Diac
Heilsplan in den lukanischen Begriffen (Lukasevangelium und Apostelgeschichte)
Lukas, der Urheber des dritten Evangeliums und der Apostelgeschichte, ist der Theologe des Gottes Planes und man schreibt ihm am ehesten dieser theologische Leitgedanke zu, obwohl ein planmäßiges Handeln Gottes für das Paulus Denken, insbesondere im Römerbrief nicht fremd erscheint. Es muss klargestellt werden, dass Lukas in seinem Doppelwerk den Gottesplan nicht thematisch behandelt. Er theoretisiert darüber nicht, wie die Stoiker seiner Zeit z.B. Weder im Evangelium noch in der Apg findet man ein Kapitel, wo überhaupt nur vom Heilsplan die Rede ist. Der Plan Gottes wird in seinem Wortschatz, sowie in den großen Themen seiner Theologie entdeckt, wie Heilsgeschichte und Umkehr. Es sind die spezifischen Vokabeln, die darauf hinweisen, dass der Eingriff Gottes in die Geschichte Israels und in den Menschen Jesus von Nazareth einen Leitfaden hat, eine Gesamtheit bildet und zu einem eschatologischen Ziel führt.

Petru Ciobanu
Il clero romano-cattolico di Bessarabia durante il periodo intebellico
The article provides the most important figures of Roman Catholic priests who, during the inter-war period, have been working or were born in Bessarabia. Firstly, there are provided shortly the biographies of the priests who during between two world wars took care of the spiritual well-being of the Bessarabian Catholics, the presentation of their life does not stop at 1940, when Bessarabia was occupied by the Soviets, but goes to the end of each one’s life. Next, there are provided the figures of four priests from the area between Prut and Nistru, who in the interwar period either were born or were ordained as priests. They operating farther within Diocese of Iaşi, even if they do not refer strictly to clergy, we considered it appropriate to provide, at the end, some figures of seminarians who did not reached the time of their ordination as priests, abandoning, from subjective or objective reasons, the path of sacerdotal formation.

Pius Petru Iancu
La formazione dei giovanni presbiteri. Analisi della situazione e prospettive
The beginnings are always difficult and risky. The same situation comes at the beginning of the priestly life. The newly ordained priest enters in the service dedicated entirely to evangelization. In order not to scupper his priestly life, the young priest must be aware that the work of formation does not end with priestly ordination, but continues along the path of life. In this study we want to deepen the connection between initial and ongoing formation, underlining in the same way the resources and risks that run in the lives of young priests. All this to find out valid points that can support the beginnings of the priestly life of those young people who today, with great generosity, offer their lives in the service of God and their brothers.

Iulian Faraoanu
Apertura e universalismo delle porte nella Nuova Gerusalemme di Ap 21
The internal description of the gates of New Jerusalem in Ap 21 focuses the concepts of the opening and universalism. The idea of a continuous opening reveals a change in the function of the gates and sugests a symbolic interpretation. The image of gates always open expresses total acceptance and willingness to receive the incessant flow of the nations that will enter the eschatological Jerusalem. At the same time, their non-closure means the absence of obstacles or barriers for entry into the holy city. This is thw way to universalism. Actually, in the new heavenly Jerusalem enter the nations and their kings, emphasizing the universality of the holy city, in which everyone has the right to enter to enjoy the goods eschatological. The human component, the goods that nations bring, is added to the divine component of the city filled with the splendor and divine glory.

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