Ana BLANDIANA, Romulus RUSAN: Anton Durcovici, piatră vie a Bisericii. Dialog realizat de W. Dancă

The keeping of an impressive historical arsenal, mostly unsearched, and also bringing extraordinary vestiges and important witnesses in front of the young generations, making in this way a good exercise of memory, are only two important subjects of the „Sighet Memorial”. With passion for truth and justice, with a remarkable scientifical professionalism, the authors want to tell us that the one who forgets the past is convicted to repeat it, especially in its darkest moments. The bishop Anton Durcovici, in the memory of whom we gather every 10th December, represents the gift of God for the local Church of Iassy, martyr, which means a brave confessor of the Catholic faith, who was not seduced by the temptations of people who did not need God. In this period when we face the stunning information bombardement we must not forget; more over according to possibilities and gifts that we received we must blow out the dust that covers the testimonies of our ancestors, because these testimonies speak to us.