Libre arbitre et déterminisme. Un plaidoyer pour le libertarisme agent-causal
In this article we aim to offer a plea for agent-causal libertarianism. This topic will be addressed in the context of the contemporary debate on […]
L’apostolo Paolo: un buon “compagno di viaggio” per Martini
In this article, I would like to present how Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini considered the Apostle Paul a good ‘travel companion’, to come closer to […]
Justification in the New Testament writings
Recognizing our sinful nature, the New Testament presents justification as a divine act of grace. Through faith in Christ, we are freed from the bondage […]
L’idolo, l’icona e la donazione nella visione di Jean-Luc Marion
The approach with which Marion approaches Thomas’s Aquinas theology at the beginning of his phenomenological journey bears the imprint of Heidegger’s critique of onto-theology, but […]
Le tappe della critica dell’onto-teo-logia. gli inizi, Jean-Luc Marion e la Radical Orthodoxy
Jean-Luc Marion develops Heidegger’s ideas and his critical approach to onto-theology, including the thought of Thomas Aquinas. At the beginning of this article, we present […]
Il programma di pontificato e il magistero di Giovanni Paolo I alla luce delle carte d’archivio: i sei «vogliamo» e la via ecumenica
Can we speak of novelty regarding the magisterium of a pope, more than forty-five years after his death? Yes, if we are talking about John […]
La debolezza è la mia forza: meditazioni su 2Cor
The correlation between weakness and strength starts from the meditations on the Second Letter to the Corinthians given by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini to a […]
Justification in the Old Testament
The term „justification” is a fundamental concept in Pauline theology, which took the term righteousness from the Old Testament. By righteousness and justification, the Old […]
Alexandru Theodor Cisar – The martyr pastor
The article is dedicated to one of the most representative figures of the Catholic Church in Romania, Archbishop Alexandru Theodor Cisar, and briefly presents the […]
Il peccato e la riconciliazione nel documento conciliare Gaudium et Spes
How does the pastoral constitution of Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, present the theme of sin and reconciliation? We will seek to answer how the […]