Le tappe della critica dell’onto-teo-logia. gli inizi, Jean-Luc Marion e la Radical Orthodoxy

Jean-Luc Marion develops Heidegger’s ideas and his critical approach to onto-theology, including the thought of Thomas Aquinas. At the beginning of this article, we present this topic, which does not seem to lack relevance. Since the critics of ontology refer to Heidegger as a follower or protester, and on the other hand, since we intend to show that the name Thomas Aquinas gives to God does not reproduce the onto-theological determination of metaphysics, we intend to identify the connection between these two sides of the question, as well as to investigate, to some extent, the level of actual knowledge Heidegger had of Aquinas’s thought. In the second part of the article, we do not overlook the merit of the current called Radical Orthodoxy: questioning and renewing the vision of classic themes of theology, such as those of ritual, liturgy, theological language, political theology, the role of Augustine and Thomas, and the theme of authority.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/BBLT7194

Dialog 53-7 Robu

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