Anton DESPINESCU: Activitatea pastorală a lui Nicolae-Iosif Camilli ca arhiepiscop-episcop de Iaşi (1904-1915)
During the second millenium, in the Eastern teritory of the Carpathians, a Roman-Catholic presence is centified, in a misionary regim, until the creation of the Romanian modern state, first through the unification of the Moldavian and Muntenian principality, and, after the first World War, through the unification of Transylvania with the united Romanian state. The foundation in 1884 of Iassy Roman-Catholic Diocese, and the foundation of the diocesan Seminary in 1886, opened a new era in the more strongly becoming organization of the Catholic life in Moldavia. The diocese’s firm organizer was its first bishop, Nicolae-Iosif Camilli. This article shows the importance of the return at Iassy of N.I. Camilli as archbishop, analyzing the program-document as it was contained in the letter he sent from Rome in the 1st of October 1904 to his parishioners and collaborators. It also shows the progressive efforts of the Diocese, the relationship with the clergy, Camilli’s bishop emblems and the circumstances in which the archbishop N.I. Camilli died.