Anton Lucaci: Adieri conciliare peste Cortină

The author of the article responds to the invitation to present an ecclesiastical juridical theme or to give a „personal” testimony concerning the 2nd Vatican Council, choosing for the second variant it is known the fact that the revision of the ecclesiastical laws, announced publicly by pope John XXIII the same time as the decision to summon the Ecumenical Council, was about to translate in disciplinary norms the Council’s works. The reform of the canonic legislation was materialized 20 years ago, with the promulgation of the new Canonic Law Code. The author remembers that, during his studies in Rome, the law reform „floated in the air, far away, out at sea”, and he underlines the existence, in that post-conciliary period, of an attitude, pretty much confuse, hostile to the ecclesiastical law. „That fever that the Church’s body suffered has passed away”: this is the conclusion of the approximately 450 canonists, with the occasion of the impressive commemoration of two decades from the promulgation of the new Canon Law Code (24.01.1983). The conciliary breezes over the Iron Courtain towards us can be illustrated by the Elijah episode, 1Kg 19,11-12: „And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and broke in pieces the rocks, before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice”. Although he hadn’t any direct contact with the 2nd Vatican Council, the breeze of the Holy Spirit arrived also to our Church, being spared perhaps from the tempest, the earthquake and the fire that fell on some sectors of the free world Churches.


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