Ariel Álvares VALDÉS: De ce evanghelistul Ioan nu descrie exorcismele lui Isus?
The author of this article shows that exorcisms have always been shrouded in mystery, in which fantasy and curiosity have led to all sorts of fictions, mostly far away from the truth. But exorcisms are not parades, shows or sensations. They are a reality that must lead us to reflection to an objective regard about the forces of Evil. The synoptic Evangels presents six cases of exorcises but the Gospel of saint John keeps absolute quiet. John did not wish to make public the exorcisms of Jesus because these ones made him a lot of trouble. Jesus was seen mostly as healer, as a magician because during his time many Jews were practicing Egyptian magical exorcising rituals. In the end the article underlines the facts that saint John didn’t want to present exorcisms of Jesus in the Evangels he wrote, because he didn’t want Jesus to appear as magician but as a teacher and redeemer of the world.