Aurel PERCĂ: Identitatea creştină într-un context social relativist

In the teachings of the last Popes, especially in the ones of Pope Benedict the XVIth, we meet often warnings concerning relativism, described as an ideological dictatorship which does not admit anything as definitive and considers the subject the supreme moral judge. This article treats on the same theme, underlining especially the effects of relativism on the human moral identity. The gnoseological, ethic and juridical relativism are caused by the absolutization of human, which took the place of the divine Absolute. In this complex but confused context, Church has to point out strongly, despite the severe critics, that God can not be excluded from the people’s life, because “the creature without Creator disappears”. Church, especially nowadays Church, has to become the voice of the Christ, who exposed his universal mission an identity in this way: “I am the Light of the world.”

DT198_Aurel PERCĂ

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