Eduard Ferenţ: Noua evanghelizare a Bisericii Romano-Catolice de Iaşi de-a lungul Sinodului Diecezan de la Iaşi (08.12.2001 – 08.12.2004)

The author underlines that, even from its opening, the Iasi’s Roman-Catholic Church’s Synod has proposed itself to assimilate the sacred doctrine of the Second Vatican Council and the teaching of the Pope’s John Paul the second, just as it has been formulated in the twelve speeches pronounced by his Sanctity with the occasion of the apostolically and pastoral visit that he made in Romania during the May 7th -9th 1999. This study analyzes from the dogmatic point of view the stimulus Duc in altum and records that the synod’s motto coincides with the new evangelization of the Iassy’s local Church. This work has been requested by the Pope in the mentioned documents. According to the author, the evangelization means the proclamation that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and human’s Redeemer, proclamation that wishes to lead to the enrichment of man in Christ. After he analyzes the evangelization mission in four paragraphs – the local ecclesial context of the new evangelization; who is the local Church of Iassy; the evangelized and the evangelizator local Church; Mary, the mystic star of the evangelization – the author formulates a conclusion in which he states that during the synod’s period the local Church has became more conscious of the fact that Christ’s self-giving through word and in the Eucharist is really making the Church. The answer to this self-giving of God’s Son is the gratitude towards the local Church, because through the sacraments of initiation administered by this Church, lot of people that lived on the Moldavian land have been introduced into the redeeming mysteries and transformed in missionaries in a forever young world.


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