Fabian Pitreţi: Il processo del bene. Tra l’etica, la morale e la politica nel pensiero di Paul Ricoeur

The contribution of this article aims to offer a synthetic overview of Paul Ricoeur’s thought in the ethical-political field, in particular on the theme of «good». In this sense, starting from the distinction made by the french philosopher between the concepts of “morality” and “ethics” and even more so from his subordination of morality to ethics, we want to try to highlight the relationship that is being established between ethics and morality and between laws and ethical-moral values, therefore how the good should be understood. Therefore, retracing some central paragraphs of the essays if like another and Ethics and morality, we will try to highlight the Ricoeurian perspective on the question of the good and also to offer possible paths of interpretation to understand the process and value of the good.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/DCUW6749

Dialog 51-5 Pitreti



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