Flavio Pajer: L’educazione cristiana e il nuovo umanesimo

The author observes that occidental civilization knows a progressive diminution of ethical, religious and symbolical values because it is far away from man and his real needs. In the first part, the author presents different humanism perspectives from the 20th century and points out their partial and sometimes contradictory character. This character is inherited by the post-modern humanism, which represents a true challenge for the Christian education. The post-modernity’s challenge presents more elements: the gathered presence of some visions about the world; the significance loss of a certain type of anthropology and Christian education; the person’s unity which is threatened by a vast set of structural and cultural ruptures (the rupture between progress and the spiritual values, the radical distinction between the public and the private sphere); the lack of Christian acts cultural consistency. In the second part, the author makes evident the necessary conditions to answer man’s moulding challenge in the post-modern period. Here are a few examples of these conditions: the complexity’s criteria assumption, the wisdom growth strategy identification and the answer to the ethical imperative of personal responsibility. In the end, the author takes over the pope’s John Paul the second’s stimulus from the Fides et Ratio encyclical (no. 107) and pleads for a better look deep down in the human being inmost parts, where it is forming the wish for truth and ration.


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