Gabriel-Iulian Robu: Denominare Dio con una terminologia post-ontoteologica. Da Martin Heidegger a Jean-Luc Marion

The approach with which Marion approaches the theology and philosophy of Aquinas at the beginning of her phenomenological journey manifestly bears the imprint of Heidegger’s critique of ontotheology, but also of his personal hostility to conceptual idolatry and “regional” atheism. If in his first writings, Marion criticizes the hermeneutical choices of Thomas Aquinas, later, the French philosopher elaborates a kind of retraction. We thought it necessary to mention a little the moments of Marion’s long journey, to understand in context his retraction regarding the initial perspective, with respect to Thomas’s thought, to indicate a certain convergence between Marion and Thomas Aquinas. In some ways, the first Marion’s perspective is close to Heidegger’s. According to what Marion says, the God of onto-theology appears at the moment in which the metaphysician gives a name to the divine, and then puts the sign of equivalence between the revealed God and the definition of the divine found by the metaphysician himself. This is the case of the moral God in Kant, a God who is referred to as a necessary moral foundation. This prevarication can also be glimpsed in the definition of God as causa sui.


Dialog 52-8 Robu



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