George McLEAN: Adevăr, bine şi moralitate

In the past morality has been seen as a set of prohibitions. In order to pursue real goods in a real manner it is essential that we judge things as they are in themselves. Truth is the essence of justice and justice is the essential context of the good, the sign of peace in social life. According to Kant, with regard to morality, it is a breakthrough to begin to appreciate the role and the responsibility of the human not only for responding to reality, but for shaping it also. Like a pair of glasses values do not create the object, but focus attention upon certain goods rather upon others. According to Aristotle, in order to make sense of the practical dimension of our life, it is necessary to identify the good or the value toward which one directs one’s life. The moral truth is the reason regarding whether the act makes the person and society good, meaning to fulfill, in an authentic way, the individual or the society. Moral freedom consists in the ability to follow our own conscience.

DT1510_George McLEAN

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