Lucian FARCAŞ: Constituţia pastorală privind Biserica în lumea contemporană Gaudium et spes

One of the main goals of the Second Vatican Council was to show who is the Church and what is the message it wants to deliver to the today’s humanity. The crisis of the contemporary values, the technological and informational explosion, the changing of the moral values system have been some aspects that the Council Fathers had in mind when they elaborated the pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes. The elaboration of this essential document has been followed by many criticisms regarding especially by the means of the dialogue with the world and by the Church’s receiving from the society’s behalf. This article develops a three-way presentation: the process of making the Constitution, the analysis of the document and of the echoes it generated and the new interpretations regarding the changing of some social and moral values.

DT179_Lucian FARCAŞ

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