Michail Iulian Echert: Climate change – a global problem with a global answer
Climate change is characterized by a fundamental transformation of the terrestrial system. It involves a variety of effects upon many sectors that influence the climate. These effects have increased in numbers and intensity over the past decades. The irresponsible exploitation of natural resources and excessive pollution through industry contribute to disasters that have a great impact on the environment. In the context of climate change, the direction of international cooperation must be orientated towards a sharing of responsibility between countries, that are called to protect the natural climate system for the welfare of presents and future generations. Hence, the negotiations regarding climate changes must focus on equitability to create concrete conditions for just and proper action. A significative target of international cooperation is growing the capacity of developing states to recognize their responsibility for adaptation and attenuation of gas emissions. This support concretizes thorough developing adaptations strategies, national plans and actions and an openness for international collaboration: understanding the common responsibility, the industrialized countries are called to contribute through financial and technologic support helping emerging countries to fight against climate change. The solution to climate change lies in collaboration and solidarity, and Pope Francis also emphasizes this in his writings. An integral ecology is needed that does not separate the human from the natural plane, and this vision is one of the great contributions of the encyclical Laudato si’. Integral ecology is not just a moral principle, but a way of seeing and deepening the interdependence between man and nature.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/PSZT3665