Michail Iulian Echert: Laudato si’ – The Merciful Solidarity
Laudato si’, published in 2015, represents Pope Francis’ first social encyclical letter. It has a close connection with two other social documents: Rerun novarum (1891) and Gaudium et spes (1965). Laudato si’ follows the steps of these revolutionary documents, treating the nowadays “new things” and concerning about the right way to interpret the signs of time.
The central motif of interconnection presents in Laudato si’, Pope Francis underlining the profound relationship between the welfare of the natural environment and human well-being. In the current globalised context, the interdependence between states creates the conception of a single world, and for this reason, is necessary a joint plan.
Pope Francis asks for clear solutions and cooperation, especially in ceasing or at least reducing the damages brought upon “Mother Earth”, and, simultaneously, invites the international community to solidarity and collaboration, as an answer to the globalisation of indifference.
Laudato si’ sees the creation as a family. Each creature is considered to be as a sibling for the human being – in other words, it is about of a fraternity of the creation, an ecologic order oriented towards truth, kindness and beauty. Having the same Creator, the humans and nature are on the same road of solidarity, therefore merciful solidarity must be shown to all, as this calling is enrooted in God’s love for every creature.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/WNUL3120