Mihăiţă Blaj: „Credinţă slabă” sau credinţă pentru zilele noastre? Scurtă incursiune în perspectiva religioasă a lui Gianni Vattimo

The religious vision of Gianni Vattimo influenced very much the philosophical and the cultural agora of the last decades, arousing passionate discussions in the Western countries. This debate is not well known in Romania; that is why the author of this article plans to analyze the philosophical-existential proposal on faith of Gianni Vattimo, by presenting a short interpretation of the logic development of his ideas, a critical evaluation and some points which seem to be prolific for the theological thinking. In his research, Mihăiţă Blaj exposes the theory of Gianni Vattimo about “the friendly Christendom” which requires as preambula fidei a “weak ontology”, and finally, from the viewpoint of the fundamental theology, makes a critical evaluation of these ideas which influenced deeply the forma fidei of the Western contemporary culture.

DT226_Mihăiţă Blaj

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