Mihăiţă BLAJ: Teologia pluralistă a religiilor

The article underlines the fact that for the 3rd millennium Christian theology, the religious pluralism is a true instigation. This thing is confirmed by the numerous discussions concerning the theology of the religions, discussions that have different new tendencies: – eclesiocentrical, theocentrical with a normative christology, theocentrical with a non-normative christology – and paradigms: regnocentrical, logocentrical and pneumatocentrical. The study concentrates upon the pluralistical theology of the religions, a theological current appeared in the recent modernity, and illustrates his premises: the radical transcendence implies an apophatical discourse, the revelation has a symbolical character, the experience implies the perspectivism, the salvation is the hermeneutical criteria of the religious truths. The central problem in this recent theology is of an christological perspective; thus, the surpassing of the theocentrical paradigme means the ignoring of Christ (Jesus Christ is a myth, Christ isn’t Jesus, Christ is an illustrate unknown, the Logos is the radical transcendent, Christ isn’t Mesia). The author theologically evaluates these tendencies and pleads for Christianity as the „religio vera” and shows that, in the order of the salvation, Jesus Christ has an unique and universal role.


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