Petru Ciobanu: Rimessione della censura dell’aborto nei codici di diritto canonico della Chiesa cattolica
The value of the great gift of life has always been cherished and defended by the Church. Throughout the centuries, basing herself on Holy Scripture, she has condemned every form of violence directed against life, punishing such crimes with sanctions and penalties. Among these, abortion is considered one of the most serious offences, and the Church punishes it with the highest penalty: excommunication, a punishment included in the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches. But being both mother and teacher, the Church not only punishes but, following Christ’s example, forgives sins and censures. She does so even in the case of abortion, and this article presents the absolution of abortion censure in the three law codes of the Catholic Church.