Ştefan Lupu: Il principio della sinodalità nella prospettiva ecumenica secondo il teologo ortodosso Dumitru Staniloae

The Romanian Orthodox theologian Dumitru Stăniloae stated that the main task of the next ecumenical synod should be the reunification of the Christian Churches and that this union should be done under the emblem of Orthodoxy. Until that happy event, a long road of preparation and rapprochement between the Christian Churches is needed. Inspired by this deep conviction, he wanted to offer his own contribution, not only by studying the doctrine of the other Christian Churches and bringing to the knowledge of the faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Church the results obtained by the ecumenical dialogue, but also by presenting solutions, from the Orthodox perspective, to the problems raised by this dialogue. In this study I intend to present the contribution offered by this Romanian theologian to the cause of Christian unity. After a brief presentation of the ecumenical relations achieved by the Romanian Orthodox Church in this century, we will present, in the second part, the principles which, according to him, should guide the progressive rapprochement of the Christian Churches.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/QXOF8339

Dialog 51-10 Lupu



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