Stefan Lupu: Toţi preoţi în Cristos: fundamentul sacramental al misiunii preotului şi a familiei creştine

Starting from the premise to the sacrament of baptism every Christian is made a priest, Fr. Dr. Stefan Lupu analyzes sacramental foundation of the mission of the priest and the Christian family in society. In the first part of the article, the author seeks to highlight the cultural context of this mission, which is the Christian world. In the second part of the article deal about rediscovering the common priesthood of the faithful with the Council of Vatican II. With scriptural texts as a basis, the author speaks of a people „all priestly” and then, from Lumen Gentium no. 10 show as „recovered” baptismal priesthood. Hence the new face of the Church, which is a people Messianic mission, as the new man, living become „loving relationship with God,” being fulfilled in Jesus and the true glory of God. Form of baptismal priesthood, according to the author, is spirituality / culture Eucharist and best title for this priesthood is the „Mother Church”. In the third part analyzes the spirituality of communion as a form of pastoral action, is especially emphasized pastoral value of this community.

DT281_Stefan Lupu

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