Ursula Nothelle-Wildfeuer / Gerhard Steger: Mesajul social papal şi raportul său cu economia de piaţă de la „Rerum novarum” la „Deus caritas est”

Starting with Rerum novarum, in the papal social Magisterium we find declarations about the main pre-requisites of liberalism and of the market economy. These interventions are the expressions of its care of the people’s redemption. About these aspects speak the authors of this study, which starts by presenting the evolution of Church’s involvement in the area of the social thought through the papal letters. In these documents are concrete points of contact with the principles of market economy: private property, freedom in contracting and the fair competition. The article finishes by affirming Church’s duty of rousing the spiritual forces of justice and charity, even today, in the context of the global changes.

DT219_Ursula Nothelle-Wildfeuer

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