Wilhelm Dancă: Benedict al XVI-lea şi iubirea. Eros, agape şi philia în enciclica Deus caritas est

Saint John gave God an excellent definition: God is love. But, what can expressed these words today, when “love is one of the most used and abused word”? The author of this study, following closed the biography and the first encyclical letter of Benedict XVI, dispels the shadow of contempt which glided on the term eros, showing that there is a God’s eros, eros benevolentiae (different from eros concupiscentiae), which is in the same time agape. These two forms can not be separated they both setting up the nature of the true love. Philia (friendship) harmonises whit eros (the ascendant love) and agape (the descendent love), being the fulfilment of the communion both with God and with people. In the conclusion of this theological approach, the author gives the man’s mission a dynamic note: agape is the fundamental law of his life, and this love is not a conquered state but a permanent increase.

DT209_Wilhelm Dancă

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