Wilhelm Dancă: Formarea permanentă: Când şi pentru cine?

The permanent formation is a necessity every time and for every people, taking into account the axiological confusions and the misleading changes which are influencing the contemporary society. Starting from this point, the author of the editorial which introduces the theme of the 20th number of the theological magazine Dialog Teologic, considering thoroughly the doctrine of the Council Vatican II, the recent teaching of the Catholic Church, and the decisions of the Synod of Iaşi, underlining the importance of the permanent Christian formation of both of lay persons, whose mission is to sanctify the temporary realities, and of priests, called to be ministers of Christ in this changing world and servant of the holy sacraments. The permanent formation is a right, but also a duty and has to get an integral and unifying dimension that is why it remains an urgent exigency both for priests and for lay persons.

DT201_Wilhelm Dancă

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