Wilhelm Dancă: Omul şi economia de piaţă astăzi
There is a strong relation between the human phenomenon and the economical systems, because these systems aim, even if it’s succeeded just partly, to serve the human being and to be measured by the human dignity. Starting from this inner deficiency of every economical system, the author of this study pleads for the permanent humanization of the business activities, presenting some principles of the social doctrine of the Church with regard to the economical sphere. Also, the study underlines the complex situation of the market in Romania and it offers as solution of the clarifying the grey framework of the economy these two ways: to create the human conditions of the development in the light of the Magisterium of the Church and to follow the brilliant example of the Canadian Robert Ouimet which combines ethics and profit in developing industrial unit. Finally, the author expresses his hope in a new Christian humanism which can configure a business world founded both on development and welfare, and on solidarity, charity and culture.