Dialog Teologic IV/8 (2001)

Dialog Teologic IV/8 (2001)
Familia creștină, încontro?, 274 p., 17×24, 7 RON.

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Familia creştină şi căsătoria
Taking into account the happened changes within the last years in the life of Christian families in the Iaşi diocese, changes that were caused mainly by the poverty of family maintenance resources, the bishop Petru Gherghel affirms that the families must be supported and helped more, both materially (by the State/society) and spiritually (by the Church). Due to social, spiritual, economical and political problems, nowadays there is a loss from sight of the care towards the unity of the family and for the indisolubility of the marriage; thus, the promotion of a „pro Christian family” mentality and behaviour is necessary.


Anton BUDĂU (†)
Imaginea biblică a familiei
This study affirms that the family’s image in Romania has been deteriorated by the reductional interpretations concerning man and family, that the comunist regime, based on the marxist-leninist ideology, propagated. For a correct understanding of the family, we must invoke the inexhaustible source represented by the Holy Scripture. Within it, we find out that the family is created by God (not by man), that family means life shared to others (children: brothers and sisters; etc.), that sons must respect their parents, that life is a sacred gift and must be accepted accordingly, that the model of inside family relations is the saint family from Nazareth, that the love between husband and wife finds its exemplary model in the love between Jesus Christ and His Church. In conclusion, the article pleeds for the respect of the divine plan concerning the family.

Robert LAZU
Sexualitate şi procreare
The essay analyses the relation between sexuality and procreation as seen in the perspective of the Christian faith that is transmitted by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. The recipients of this conference are some of the Christians from both East and West Church, that disregard the teachings of the Church on this subject. The guiding idea is this: the sexuality isn’t an egocentrical way of obtaining a pleasure, but an aspect of human life, that involves the highest degree of responsability, being chained in a indisoluble way to the exigence of birth and development of children inside the familial environment.

Desfacerea legăturii matrimoniale în legislaţia civilă şi canonică a imperiului bizantin din secolele VI-X
The study shows the historic evolution of the conception concerning the indisolubility and the principle of matrimonial bond dissolvement, the different causes of divorce that are encountered in the VI-X centuries, both in the Byzantine statal legislation and in the oriental canonic discipline. The treating of these problems is made in two moments: 1) the analysis of the roman concept of marriage in the IV-V centuries; 2) the analysis of the influence of the Christian consideration on the byzantine right. The work’s character is historical and juridical.

Identitatea teologică şi spirituală a familiei în magisteriul papei Paul al VI-lea
The study analyses the divine-human ontology of the family in the teachings of pope Paul VI: what is the family in God’s initial plan? how was the family sanctified by Christ? and about the family’s essence as a „familial Church”. The impulses and decisions of this Sovereign Pontiff refering to the actualisation and promotion of the family’s identitiy are also underlined. Paul VI is profoundly convinced that the goal of the Christian family is possible, but must be promoted by a well conceived and organised pastoral activity.

Wilhelm DANCĂ
Familia ca formă de rezistenţă la ideologii. Introducere în operele de tinereţe ale papei Ioan Paul al II-lea
The teaching of pope John Paul II on the ireplaceble role of the family in the development and formation of the true man, the educated man, has roots in his pastoral activity carried on in the Polish Church under the totalitary comunist regime, as in his literary and filosophical works published before he was elected as bishop of Rome. The lesson about family learned by Karol Wojtyla in Polland contains interesting and fascinating chapters; two of them have interest to this study: 1) the activity of the catholic priest (bachelor, single man) in the middle and to the favour of the families is based on the gospel and on the experience mediated with their problems; 2) the united family feeds on the responsable (and opened to transmiting life) love. The study affirms that the correct understanding of John Paul II’s teaching on family must revaluate both his doctrine and real gestures by which this courageous pope manifests his love towards the human family.

Wilhelm DANCĂ (coord.)
„Familia creştină” în magisteriul papei Ioan Paul al II-lea. Antologie de texte magisteriale
Pope John Paul II talked about family with many occasions – the pastoral of the family being one of the fundamental coordinates of his pontificate. The structure of the apostolic advice Familiaris consortio (1981) as an orientative base in the selection of the most signifing in the magisterium of Saint Father concerning the family theme, on which an teaching edifice was built, arranged in four main parts: family today, lights and shadows; God’s plan on marriage and family; Christian family duties, the persons and their role; the serving of life. In these selected texts one can find principles of understanding and resolving of the problems that the families encounter in their path in life. The present anthology is adressed to the youth, the catechists, the priests that prepare the youth to marriage and, in a special way, to the formed families or to the families that need human and spiritual formation.

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