Dialog Teologic XII/23 (2009)

Dialog Teologic XII/23 (2009)
Conferințele Institutului Teologic Romano-Catolic din Iași (II), 232 p., 17×24, 9 RON.

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Vizualizează online Dialog 23.

Wilhelm Dancă
Educaţia ca armonie între credinţă şi cultură, astăzi

Faith and reason are the two wings that raise man to know God. Extrapolating this motto of the Church Magisterium, Wilhelm Danca presents in the “Editorial” of our theological review its direct implications in the field of the culture and of the education in the Catholic school. After a succinct exposition of the statistics concerning the nowadays situation of the Catholic schools from Europe and Romania, the author presents the “lights and darkness” that can be discerned behind these numbers suggesting then the fundamental characteristics which make up or devolve from the identity of “Catholic school”. Thus, replying to the exigencies of the integral humanism, the Catholic school and, especially, the educating community have to be centred on the human person, whom they have to offer real wisdom and life vision, without making social or economical discrimination. Finally, the author expresses his conviction that the achievement of these exigencies depends on the bishop of the place who looks after the members of the teachers’ community.

Iosif Enăşoae
Suferinţa umană în lumina învăţăturii Papei Ioan Paul al II-lea
The existential reality of the human suffering arouses a continuous and a dramatically question: “why?” which traverses the millenary itinerary of the human history. Pope John Paul the II-nd, in the Apostolic letter Salvifici doloris, tries to give a satisfying answer to this tormenting question, still removing the centre of the problem from “why?” to “what for?”. The article of Iosif Enăşoae aims to expose this teaching of Pope John Paul the II-nd about the human suffering, keeping a methodology of approaching from a general viewpoint to a specific one: the human suffering – existential reality, suffering – an obvious, universal and deeply human reality; in front of this panorama of paint the Lord was not unresponsive. Thanks his saving passions and his glorious resurrection, the human suffering can represent now the bridge between “human weakness” and “God’s power”. This duality in unity explains the mysterious sense of suffering which dwells on the mystery of the Christ who has lightened the enigma of suffering and of dyeing.

Alois Hîrja
„Religia” în şcoală: o perspectivă hermeneutică
The possibility of studying religion in the state schools is a victory of the freedom will and of the revolution against communism, but also represents a presence required by the educational process itself. But, because today, at 20 years after this revolution, the religion’s presence in schools has caused many harsh critics and hostilities, Alois Hîrja, using the data of “the new hermeneutics”, especially the one of H.G. Gadamer, plans in this article to underline the irreplaceable role of religion in the curriculum of the Romanian schools. In this research, the author exposes the arguments which justify this presence, the identity of “religion” as subject in school and its role in pupil’s human maturation. All these aspects are presented in a hermeneutical viewpoint, considering also the exigencies of the integral humanism which has in centre the anthropological aspect more than the epistemological one: non scholae sed vitae discimus.

Iosif Iacob
Credinţa în sacramentul Căsătoriei
The union between man and woman through the relation of marriage is deeply rooted in the event of creation and received its sacred dimension from the union between Christ and Church. But, because today this sacred religious dimension of marriage is often ignored or denied, Iosif Iosub intends to present Church’s teaching about the sacrament of marriage and the canonical determinations which devolve from this teaching. In this theological-canonical research, the author considers thoroughly the theology of the documents of The Second Ecumenical Sacred Council of the Vatican, of the document of the International Theological Commission on this subject, promulgated in 1977, the theology of the Apostolic Letter Familiaris consortio of John Paul the II-nd, and indicates then the implication of this theology in Church’s legislation from The Code of Canon Law (1983). In the conclusion of these considerations, the author affirms the fundamental role of faith in the preparation for marriage of young people and in their life together as husband and wife.

Roca Felix
Pastoraţia tinerilor şi orientarea vocaţională
We live in a period when, at the ecclesiastic level, there is very obvious the attention paid on young people and on their vocational orientation. Joining this favourable context, the article of Felix Roca exposes briefly the documents of Church’s Magisterium which considered the youth’s vocational orientation, and – following the example promoted by these documents – underlines in the same time that young people have to be considered in the light of hope and of future, as resources, not as problems. Just sustaining this viewpoint we can realize a good priestly work which can save the young people from the mirage of the contemporary temptations.

Pr. Dr. Ştefan Lupu
Chiesa, Sposa e Madre. Ecclesiologia di Henri de Lubac nelle opere Cattolicismo. Aspetti sociali del dogma e Meditazione sulla Chiesa.(II)
This article completes the considerations made by Stefan Lupu on Henri de Lubac’s ecclesiology from his fundamental studies Catholicism. Social aspects of dogma and Meditation on Church, in the previous number of our review, Theological Dialogue.
Continuing these ideas, the author presents the vision of the French theologian on the relation that Church has to establish with our word. In this step, the Church is regarded as “Mother of unity and of life”, because it is the communion’s sacrament between people and God, and the Mediator of the divine life. In the second part, the author directs our attention to the finality of the Church and to its relation with God’s Kingdom and, finally, presents the model of the Holly Virgin Mary as icon and figure of the maternity and sponsality of the Church. This theology has a great influence on the contemporary theology, thanks its recognition through the Second Council of Vatican and its answers and position in front of nowadays challenges.

Eduard Soare
L’analisi testuale ed estetico-modale delle antifone „hodie” dell’Ufficio Divino
The last part of this study proposes the analysis of the repertory of antiphons hodie. Textual forms are analyzed here with their variations in different liturgical traditions and forms. In the end are offered some melodic refunds made following the manuscripts, with the analysis of the sources. The study demonstrates the paleographical importance of oral tradition and attempts to set the vocal performance on the parchment, the evolution of Gregorian writing and the need to understand and transcribe the Gregorian Chant notation from the manuscripts. A comparative study of the antiphons and their esthetic and modal analysis concludes this work centered on a repertoire that belongs to the great events of the liturgical year.

Ştefan Lupu
Discuţia modernă despre conceptul de persoană în Dumnezeu
The article presents the modern discussion about the concept of person in God. It starts showing some alternative propositions for the concept of person, presenting the opinions of Karl Barth and Karl Rahner about this problem. The second part of the article presents the social model of the Trinity, the fact that the three persons in God can realize each other trough their reciprocal love. This part is centered on the thinking of J. Moltmann, who in one of his books build his theology of Trinity on the communion of persons. The third point presents the self awareness of the holy persons. This point begins with the thinking of B. Lonergan who spoke about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit like three subjects who have their own awareness, but also the awareness of the others who report on.

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