Dialog Teologic XIV/28 (2011)

Dialog Teologic XIV/28 (2011)
Preotul și familia creștinaă colaboratori în ogorul Bisericii și martori ai împărăției lui Dumnezeu în lume, 194 p., 17×24, ISSN 1453-8075, 9 lei.
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Stefan Lupu
Toţi preoţi în Cristos: fundamentul sacramental al misiunii preotului şi a familiei creştine
Starting from the premise to the sacrament of baptism every Christian is made a priest, Fr. Dr. Stefan Lupu analyzes sacramental foundation of the mission of the priest and the Christian family in society. In the first part of the article, the author seeks to highlight the cultural context of this mission, which is the Christian world. In the second part of the article deal about rediscovering the common priesthood of the faithful with the Council of Vatican II. With scriptural texts as a basis, the author speaks of a people „all priestly” and then, from Lumen Gentium no. 10 show as „recovered” baptismal priesthood. Hence the new face of the Church, which is a people Messianic mission, as the new man, living become „loving relationship with God,” being fulfilled in Jesus and the true glory of God. Form of baptismal priesthood, according to the author, is spirituality / culture Eucharist and best title for this priesthood is the „Mother Church”. In the third part analyzes the spirituality of communion as a form of pastoral action, is especially emphasized pastoral value of this community.

Cristinel Fodor
Sacramentalizare vs. evanghelizare: cum sunt trăite sacramentele, în special Botezul, Euharistia, Spovada, Căsătoria, în comunităţile din dieceza noastră.
The theme that treats the author would like to contribute to those things which the Church invites repeatedly: to renew our liturgical celebrations, preparing for graces received in the sacraments and developing them for the sacrament, the faithful enter into communion with the Holy Trinity, to experience participation in the divine nature and, thus, they should be built by the Church as a sign and realization of God’s presence in the world. After a theoretical presentation of their authors proceed to analyze their practice, that is to analyze how the preparations for receiving the sacraments become fruitful. The author deals with how we look at those who ask for the sacraments, how long preparations and the creation of a model of training as prescribed by the Church, about some rules to be followed in the first meeting, how to address unbelievers during the administration of the sacraments, ending with mystagogy of the first meeting. Then, one by one analyzed in the light of these premises, preparing to receive the sacraments and how they are administered.

Felician Tiba
Credincioşii laici: concurenţi sau colaboratori la cateheză, orele de religie, activităţile misionare etc.?
The author of the article which follows, examines issues priest and the Christian family as trainers through sacred vocation. First, Fr. F. Tiba deals with the genesis of this reality that is called „family”, seeking his roots on her moments of glory, and the fall, identifying his needs. The author states that the natural family is the first institution that goes beyond Christianity, Christ is love novelty and establishing the sacrament of Matrimony. Further, based on the symbolism bones, Fr. F. Tiba emphasizes the dignity of women, but also its role in the knowledge of God by man. After speaking of the influence of sin on the relationship between man and God, man, woman, the author deals with the establishment of the sacrament of Matrimony by Jesus Christ, and then make a picture of the contemporary family. After analyzing the relationship between priest and family, talking about his childhood and youth as two stages in the preparation of marriage, then discusses the newly created family. Finally, before talking about forming family, the author presents some coordinates of family formation.

Familia și fenomenul emigrării
Assuming that none of the family who went abroad did not choose this way of looking at God, to the saints, but to earn money, which is the author analyzes the phenomenon of immigration issues and the impact of this phenomenon on family. First, the author indicates that the family is forced to emigrate and highlights the reasons for this need, but also dangers involved. Another painful reality treated by Fr. James I. Nonconformity is the promise to reality in the sending country. In this context, the author talks about church involvement in immigration phenomenon by sending priests to spiritual care of their countrymen by helping immigrants and different cultural and spiritual manifestations. Further, the author analyzes the family in the context of migration and its consequences, among which is that of coexistence sacrament against which they are made some arguments and remedies. Finally, it deals with immigrants and jobs they provide in the host country.

Pr. Daniel Mărtinaş
Familia și fenomenul emigrării
In this article, the author examines the family in the context of increasingly widespread phenomenon of migration, based on existing realities in the local Church of Iasi. First, he talks about the changes in society with the fall of the communist regime and the need to impose family migration. Then he summarizes the implications of migration on the family. He still refers to the harsh reality that many families emigrated collide, in reality much different from what they had been promised before departure. In these dramatic circumstances, the author wonders how the Church works, both the local and the universal context. All he replied by concrete examples involving the Church for spiritual and material support to the immigrants. Not overlooked consequences of migration for family institution, is actually shown some of these, with a particular focus on the case of young people who live without marrying, bringing some arguments and remedies to this situation. The article ends with the report-labor of emigration.

Pr. Iosif IACOB
Căsătoria, sacrament al noii alianțe
Documents of Vatican II as Lumen Gentium, Apostolicam Actuositatem, Sacrosanctum Concilium, and especially Gaudium et Spes highlight the interest that the Church manifests for the Sacrament of Matrimony, in the context of developments and new vision proposed by the present society (divorce, abortion, feminist movements etc.).The contemporary society, following a long and reinforced theological tradition of marriage, is called to implement into the family life of our times, the principles proposed by the gospel in order to live a married life “in Christ”.The biblical vision of the human person, the way the nature and the grace are perceived are points of departure and reference for a complex and objective view on the sacrament of marriage. The nature, the value, the effects and purposes of marriage proposed by the ecclesiastical tradition are fundamental aspects that give consistency to the consent of sacramental marriage.The conjugal morality has its ultimate foundation not in human laws but in the divine laws that man cannot change according to its own interests. The state, as representative and guardian of the community wellbeing, is charged with promoting the values   and principles for the good of the family and implicitly of the society itself, whose basic unit is the family. In this regard the Council encourages the closeness between the values   of the doctrine and the spirit of today’s society, as well as raising public awareness to doctrinal lasting values   of faith. The personalist vision proposed by the council, as well as the vocation to holiness in married life, along with what love and procreation represents in a full and stable community of conjugal life corresponds to the values proposed by  the Church as a sacramental reality of marriage, according to Christ’s will for the wellbeing of the person and all mankind.

Pr.  Iulian-Valerian Ianuş
Conceptul de persoană la Jacques Maritain
The Christian anthropology has at its base the concept of the person. The anthropologic oration of Jacques Maritain is focused on the human person as well, with its own characteristics. Maritain, commentator of Tomas de Aquino, takes from Thomism the general structure of his anthropology. His oration starts from the distinction between „specimen” and „person”, present distinction since first works. For the Maritain anthropology is characteristic that it is a metaphysical base. In this respect, we find in the texts of the French thinker a profound analysis of the ontological structure of a person: subsistence, understood as that, in its specific nature, has its being in and for itself; and personality (in a metaphysical sense, not psychological), seen as a balance between subjectivity and objectivity, between independence and dependence, through which the child is growing up and accepts actively the human condition.

Pr.  Iulian Faraoanu
Așteptarea creștină a venirii Fiului Omului (Lc 17,26-30)
The eschatology problem is present everywhere in Saint Luke gospel. But, the tension and the eschatology waiting are in a close relationship with the history.
The fragment from Lc 17,26-30 is included in the same eschatology domain, more precise the theme related to the waiting of Jesus second coming. The comparison with the days of Noah and Lot have an exhortatory function, inviting the people of the Saint Luke community to look at the heavenly realities. The delay of Christ’s second coming does not have to determine a life orientated only to the humanly activities, in this forgetting God. The waiting of Christ’s coming must always be alive, knowing that the Lord may come soon and his coming must find us ready.

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