Dialog Teologic XV/29 (2012)

Dialog Teologic XV/29 (2012)
Seminarul Diecezan din Iaşi la ceas aniversar. 125 de ani de la înfiinţare (1886-2011), 130 p., 17×24, ISSN 1453-8075, 9 lei.

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Pr. Fabian Doboş
Dominic Jaquet şi formarea intelectuală a tinerilor catolici moldoveni
In this article, father Fabian Dobos, presents the context of intellectual formation of Moldovan young Catholics, starting with the activity of the bishop Dominic Jaquet (1895-1903) in this regard. After a short biography, the author presents the intellectual formation in Iasi Seminar, founded by the bishop Camilli in 1886, highlighting Jaquet’s care for integral youth formation and for the studies quality in the seminar. Further, the author presents the intellectual formation, this time in the Institute Cipariu, founded by Jaquet in 1895. Then, father Fabian Dobos treats the problem of teaching religion courses in girl schools of the Congregation Notre Dame de Sion from Iasi and Galati. At the end, the author looks over the formative activity of Franciscan Seminar and Cantor School from Halaucesti, institutes founded also by Dominic Jaquet.
The author’s conclusion is that this bishop, during the period when he was parson at Iasi Diocese, sought to form cultural Catholic elite, a group that may be useful to the interests of the Catholics from Romania.

dr. Iosif Tamaș, dr. pr. Fabian Doboș
Mihai Robu, părintele episcop și seminarul diecezan
Mihai Robu is the first Moldavian native bishop buried in “The Assumption of Our Lady” Roman-Catholic Cathedral of Iaşi; and the history of Moldavia was tumultuous, as a mystery of suffering in our diocese. We have in front of us a personality that stood out, along his episcopate, by raising numerous churches, with special care for the diocesan seminary, by several canonical visits accompanied by the administration of the sacred chrism, by supporting the Catholic press and, and last but not least, by the protection of those less fortunate during the Second World War. If I had to summarize in five keywords Bishop Mihai Robu’s work, they would be: identity, unity, loyalty, latinity, humanity. The identity refers to the sacramental theology of Christ’s priesthood, which transfigured in the person of Mihai Robu; the unity looks towards the universality of the Catholic Church which he served throughout the whole canonic orthodoxy that he was representing; the loyalty will result in the apostolic love expressed towards the Petrine Apostolic chair; the latinity will be the virtue that has served the people who belonged to, and the humanity will complete the Christian who will be also bent like the merciful Samaritan at all suffering times through which the Romanian people will be passed. We capture here the mystery of the intrinsic unity of life and work of Bishop Mihai Robu while analyzing his pastoral commitment, the sufficiency and determination that will support the Christian nation that was destined to be lead to salvation.

Pr. Alois Moraru
Seminarul din Iaşi în perioada persecuţiei comuniste
Starting from the idea that the seminar is „the heart of a diocese” that pulses and trains all its members, father Alois Moraru presents in this article some aspects from the history of Iasi Catholic Seminar in a dim and difficult period, that one of communism. From the very beginning, the author warns us that this article is a free exposure, using in its elaboration, in the biggest part, original documents kept in different archives from the country and abroad. In the first part, father, after presenting a short history of the first tries of organizing a seminar for young indigenous people, passes and treats the history of Iasi Theological Seminar, beginning with its establishment (1886) and going on with its rather sinuous activity, under the guidance of the Diocese bishops and Institute rectors, till the instauration of communist regime in Romania (1947). In the second part, the author speaks about situation of the Seminar, when Mons. Anton Durcovici was appointed as bishop of Iasi (1947), a more and more difficult situation because of the opposition of communist authorities in developing the pupils and students formation, opposition that would lead even to stopping the Seminar’s activity and moving it, for a period of time, to Alba Iulia.

Aurel Percă Episcop auxiliar
Seminarul din Iași la răspântii între două regimuri politice
In this article, Grace Aurel Perca, Iasi auxiliary bishop, willing to reveal some pages of history, that the time, unfortunately, covered or buried in oblivion, reviews a recent period that marked and created the physiognomy of nowadays Seminar, namely, the period when our country came back to the liberty and democracy path by overthrowing the dictatorial communist regime (December 22, 1989). Presenting this period of Seminar’s life, the author wants to underline that these political, social and economic changes from the country influenced Seminar’s life, imposed a paper of rejuvenating the old structures and, at the same time, a new way of instilling vocational aspirations to youth that respond to the new requirements of the Church and society. The Grace finishes the article with an optimist idea: in spite of all changes along the history of the Seminar, this one was and remained the diapason of the Diocese life; here, it may be felt the Diocese pulse through many calls to consecrated life.

Pr. Iulian Faraoanu
Sfânta Scriptură în Seminarul Catolic din Iaşi
Holy Scripture is at the base of Christian life, being the main source for knowing God and light in the salvation way. But, the Bible had a special part in priests formation as well. This study proposes itself to present the modalities of receipting, studying and interpreting the Scripture in Iasi Seminar. This presentation is preceded by an incursion in the way the Bible was used and interpreted in the Universal Church. Finally, it is realized a short assessment, indicating the negative, positive aspects, as well as the perspectives for future.

Pr. Iulian Faraoanu
Biserica, Dumnezeu şi Mielul în Apocalips
One of the leads useful for interpretation the Book of Revelations and his mysteries, is studying the way in which the author uses the Old and the New Testament, having the fact that every verse has at least one reference to the Scripture. Together with the method presented above, another lead might be analyzing the Church images. This study tries to offer a partial light to the concept of Church, seen as a People of God in relationship with God and the Lamb. This people of God is unique and united all through history and in eschatology.

Pr. Iulian-Valerian Ianuş
Linii generale ale antropologiei lui Toma de Aquino
Even if he didn’t write a strictly anthropologic work, the man problem is present very much in Tomas de Aquino writings. For him, the man never was in the state of pure nature, because he always depends on the historical situation of his life. Starting from the substance doctrine of Aristotle, Tomas underlines that the man is composed of two elements: body, as material and soul, as form; between these two elements there is always an intimate, substantial unity. The activity that makes different the man from other body beings is knowledge. Getting the faculty of intellect, the man has not only a sensitive knowledge, but, also, the knowledge possibility at intellectual level: thus, it can achieve the truth, understood as conformity between intellect and known object.

Pr. Corneliu Berea, SVD
Violența domestică în perspectiva teologiei pastorale
The author seeks, in this article, to catch the social phenomenon of domestic violence in the context of Church ordinary pastoral, with an especial attention to domestic violence on women and children in Romania. The analysis of domestic violence on these categories of persons follows, in a big part that is affirmed by Ana Muntean, professor at Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in an article from 2003. The article ends with pastoral proposals, already applied in different Churches in the world, by which it is sought to combat this phenomenon.

Lect. univ. dr. pr. Florin Spatariu
Vocile castraților în muzica epocii baroce
Starting with the example of the famous emasculated singer Farinelli, father Florin Spatartiu, in this study analyses, at first view, an anomaly that existed and covered the entire Europe during over 200 years, namely, the voices of emasculated people in Baroque era music. These singers represented a category of artists that dominated the Western musical panorama beginning with the last decade of XVI century till classicism period, favoring the appearance of some unequaled musical masterpieces, having as authors Händel, Bach, Purcell, Scarlett etc., meant, in a great part, for these rare voices. The author treats, first of all, the historical aspects, underlining the appearance of this phenomenon and the way it underlied in the second Christian millennium, but at the same time, the music aspects. In the conclusion of this article father underlines that even if we think this way of realizing music to be strange and deviating from nature, for musicians of the Baroque era it was an opportunity to create, render and offer to the humanity unique music values, even if it means the sacrifice of so many normal lives.

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