Dialog Teologic XXI/41 (2018)

Dialog Teologic XXI/41 (2018)
66 p., 17×24, ISSN 1453-8075, 15 lei.

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Cristian Diac
Rolle Gottes im Freiheitsbegriff von Epiktet
Epiktet sieht im Erreichen der Freiheit die höchste Erfüllung des menschlichen Daseins. Die Freiheit eröffnet sich für ihn als einzige erstrebenswerte Möglichkeit, die Verbindung zwischen ihm, als Teil des Logos, und dem ganzen Logos herzustellen und aufrechtzuerhalten. Aus der Perspektive der Herkunft ist der Logos die Ursache für die menschliche Freiheit. Aus der Perspektive des Zieles ist bedeutet er eine authentische Einheit des Menschen mit sich und dem Kosmos. Der Heilsplan, den Gott nach Lukas in Jesus Christus ausgeführt hat, involviert die Partizipation gegnerischer menschlicher Faktoren, die paradoxerweise dazu führen, dass der Plan sich letztendlich vollzieht.

Ciprian Bejan-Piser
La partecipazione dell’uomo, in particolare della Genitrice di Dio, all’unica mediazione di Cristo nella luce del numero 60 della Costituzione dogmatica Lumen gentium
The number 60 of Lumen gentium summarizes a fireplace carefully prepared by six Popes, (from Pp. Leo XIII up to John XXIII), in which we can identify the desire of the Church to better understand the relationship between man and divine grace and the eventual possibility of man to participate actively. We propose to outline and ask ourselves about the ability or otherwise of man to participate in the unique mediation of Christ as well as the role of the Mother of God, as a perfect image of participated mediation in Christ.

Petru Ciobanu
L’insegnamento cattolico di Bessarabia nel periodo interbellico
This article reviews some aspects of confessional and catechetical education in Bessarabia in the interwar period. The two Polish schools from Chişinău and Bălţi are presented, both of them activating within the parishes “Divine Providence” and “Assumption of Mary” from the two Bessarabia cities, as well as some existing confessional schools in other Catholic communities in the Prut-Nistru area. Besides this confessional education, the topic of catechetical and religious education was covered as well. Based on the archive data, the number of pupils in different years of study, the names of the teachers and the subjects taught are indicated for each educational institution.

Fabian Doboş
L’erezione del Vescovado di Jassy (27 giugno 1884) e gli inizi della nouva diocesi
This article deals with the establishment of the Episcopate of Iasi (June 27, 1884), with highligh on the personality of the first bishop (Nicolae Iosif Camilli) and his pastoral activity. Nicolae Iosif Camilli was an apostolic vicar for Moldavia at the time of his appointment as the first bishop of Iasi. The study also presents the first activity of the first bishop of Iaşi, with focus on his most important work: the establishment of the Diocesan Seminary „St. Joseph” in Iaşi, at the helm of which Bishop Camilli put in charge some Jesuits from Poland. However, this was not to the liking of his Franciscan brothers nor to that of the Superior General of the Franciscan Order. Therefore, after 10 years of pastorate, the first bishop of Iasi resigned in 1894, and the Catholics of Moldova were then led by Săbaoani parish priest Caietan Liverotti as an apostolic administrator until the following year when the Holy See appointed the Swiss Franciscan Dominic Jaquet as Bishop of Iaşi.

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