Anton Dancă: Vocaţia la preoţie şi la viaţa consacrată
The testimony-article shows the fact that the author didn’t have too many information concerning the 2nd Vatican Council, but hoped in a better change in the life of the Iassy Dioceses’ Church, tested so hard, starting especially with 1998, when the Seminaries and convents were closed down. Many teenagers, having only a small step in reaching out the sacerdotal ideal, and many aspirants to the consecrated life, even those who vowed votes for life, had to come back to their so burdened families, because the war wounds weren’t healed enough. Some young people, seeing the wilderness of those times, enlisted to other schools, if permitted, and others started the family life.
Then, as today, people weren’t used to see how „God writes straight on skew lines”. The consecrated persons assembled in the Church for hours of adoration, gathered money in order to pay Masses for better times, took care of the altars’ beautification and offered their services to the parish as many times necessary, etc. Slowly, seeing their example, many young girls shyly got closed to ask them a spiritual guidance, feeling deep down the urge to serve Jesus in the consecrated life. The author thinks that many young people owe their call to the prayers and sacrifices of these persons banned from monasteries.