Florin Spătariu: Muzica şi ierarhia artelor în gândirea lui Hegel

Starting with the premise that generally, art (listening to a concert of classical music, visiting a museum, participating at a painting exhibition, etc.) constitutes an exigency of the human spirit and honesty, depending on the intellectual preparation and cultural luggage, judgment and hierarchy of artistic options, Father Dr. Florin Spatariu analyses music and arts hierarchy in the thinking of the great German philosopher Hegel. According to his thinking, arts are those ones that succeed to send, most of all, to life spiritual side, but may be, at the same time, ranking pyramidal, each of them occupying a place according to the artistic expression. Then, presenting each art (architecture, sculpture, painting, etc.), the author comes to the conclusion that, for Hegel, all of them are important, but from all of them, poetry occupies the first place because it repre-sents the most authentic form that the human spirit can express freely.

DT309_Florin Spatariu

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