Gabriel Iulian ROBU: Status naturae lapsae simul et redemptae (Gen 3) in Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body by John Paul II

In this article, my intention has been to emphasize the role of the postlapsarian protology (Gen 3) in the anthropology enlightened by the mystery of Christ (status lapsae simul et redemptae). I considered the disastrous consequences of original sin, the perspective of death, the appearance of shame, the change in the meaning of nakedness – a change generated by the triple concupiscence in the human heart, the deformation of the spousal meaning of the human body and the disorder produced in the communio personarum, as they are presented in the catecheses of Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body by John Paul II. Finally, from the perspective of the protoevangelium (cf. Gen 3:15), I examined protology and anthropology in the light of Christology, because in Christ it has been historically manifested and eminently revealed who man is and what is his fulfillment.