Iosif IACOB: Căsătoria, sacrament al noii alianţe

Documents of Vatican II as Lumen Gentium, Apostolicam Actuositatem, Sacrosanctum Concilium, and especially Gaudium et Spes highlight the interest that the Church manifests for the Sacrament of Matrimony, in the context of developments and new vision proposed by the present society (divorce, abortion, feminist movements etc.).The contemporary society, following a long and reinforced theological tradition of marriage, is called to implement into the family life of our times, the principles proposed by the gospel in order to live a married life “in Christ”.The biblical vision of the human person, the way the nature and the grace are perceived are points of departure and reference for a complex and objective view on the sacrament of marriage. The nature, the value, the effects and purposes of marriage proposed by the ecclesiastical tradition are fundamental aspects that give consistency to the consent of sacramental marriage.The conjugal morality has its ultimate foundation not in human laws but in the divine laws that man cannot change according to its own interests. The state, as representative and guardian of the community wellbeing, is charged with promoting the values and principles for the good of the family and implicitly of the society itself, whose basic unit is the family. In this regard the Council encourages the closeness between the values of the doctrine and the spirit of today’s society, as well as raising public awareness to doctrinal lasting values of faith. The personalist vision proposed by the council, as well as the vocation to holiness in married life, along with what love and procreation represents in a full and stable community of conjugal life corresponds to the values proposed by the Church as a sacramental reality of marriage, according to Christ’s will for the wellbeing of the person and all mankind.

DT286_Pr Iacob

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