P.S. Aurel PERCĂ Decretul privind slujirea şi viaţa preoţească Presbyterorum ordinis

One of the most important documents of the 2nd Council of Vatican was the decree about the priestly ministry and life Presbyterorum ordinis, promulgated at 7 December 1965. This text is the result of four schemes and even from the beginning shows the christological structure of the priestly figure. The priest is sent to the people of his time to speak about the Christ, co-operating with the bishop of the diocese; the aim of his life is to extol the Father in the Christ. The document insists on the importance that has to have the sacraments in the priestly life; without the sacraments his mission is bankrupt and harms to the Mystical Body. This article develops, in three parts, the radiography of the „counciliar” priest, and the author tries to show the applicability of the document in the daily priestly life.

DT169_Decretul privind slujirea şi viaţa preoţească Presbyterorum ordinis

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