Petru Ciobanu: Il clero romano-cattolico di Bessarabia durante il periodo intebellico

The article provides the most important figures of Roman Catholic priests who, during the inter-war period, have been working or were born in Bessarabia. Firstly, there are provided shortly the biographies of the priests who during between two world wars took care of the spiritual well-being of the Bessarabian Catholics, the presentation of their life does not stop at 1940, when Bessarabia was occupied by the Soviets, but goes to the end of each one’s life. Next, there are provided the figures of four priests from the area between Prut and Nistru, who in the interwar period either were born or were ordained as priests. They operating farther within Diocese of Iaşi, even if they do not refer strictly to clergy, we considered it appropriate to provide, at the end, some figures of seminarians who did not reached the time of their ordination as priests, abandoning, from subjective or objective reasons, the path of sacerdotal formation.

Dialog 42-2_Ciobanu

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