Ştefan Lupu Chiesa, Sposa e Madre. Ecclesiologia di Henri de Lubac nelle opere Cattolicismo. Aspetti sociali del dogma e Meditazione sulla Chiesa. (I)

At the beginning of the XX-th century, in the Catholic Church appeared and devolved a very important movement of theological and spiritual renewal, which prepared the “spring” of the Second Council of Vatican. The article of Stefan Lupu proposes in a synthetically form the ecclesiology from Catholicism. Social aspects of dogma and Meditation on the Church, fundamental books which synthesize the ecclesiological thinking of Henri de Lubac. The first part of this article has an introductory nature, framing these books in the context they appeared and presenting the existential question which they met and answered. Then, the author exposes briefly the vision of this French theologian on the Trinitarian origin of the Church and on its place in the history of redemption. This ecclesiology had and has a great influence on the contemporary theology, because, being anchored in the Tradition, tries to give an original answer the questions of nowadays word.

DT229_Pr. Ştefan Lupu

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