Tarciziu Şerban: Profilul „omului nou” în Scrisoarea către Efeseni
Starting from the Saint Paul’s Epistle to Ephesians, the author of the dissertation analyzed the profile of the Newman as it is exposed by the Apostle to the Gentiles. The premise is the model offered by the people of present time, people of an impeccable moral behavior and of a strong faith, who are now saints. In the first part of this article, there is presented the metaphoric language from Ef 6,10-20, that is the Saint Paul’s way to present the spiritual fight of the Christian, by comparing it with a triumphal battle of a very well equipped soldier. In the second part, there are a few metaphoric notions, which sketched a profile of the addressees of the St. Paul’s Epistle to Ephesians, asking them to acquire the four virtues enumerated in the vv. 14-16 of the same chapter. In Conclusions, the author shows how the two semantic levels – metaphorical and metaphorised – joined and build a message.