Wilhelm Dancă: Pentru promovarea valorilor etice şi spirituale în activităţile economice
The Roman-Catholic Institute „Saint Joseph” of Iaşi and the Confederation Caritas Romania organized in 16 and 17 April 2008 a symposium with the theme „Humans and the market”, whose aim was to indicate the way of announcing the Gospel in the economical area from our country. In this Editorial, Wilhelm Dancă, after illustrating the context and the opportunity of this cultural event, summarizes the main ideas which were often underlined both during the conferences and in the horizon of the questions addressed by the participants. These essential ideas are: the role of the lay Christians in applying the Gospel’s principles in society, the necessity of the profound reforms in the field of the institutions and of the economical practices, the relation between ethics and economical activities. At the end of this article, Wilhelm Dancă reminds the name of the authors who contributed to this number 21 of the review Dialog Teologic, where are included other three articles about the Pope Paul VI’ legacy regarding the doctrine of the letter encyclical Humanae vitae.